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Disability Dental Services Blog

How Does Cerebral Palsy Impact Dental Treatment?

February 19, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — disabilitydent @ 4:52 pm
a woman with cerebral palsy smiling at home

Being able to maintain healthy teeth and gums every day is incredibly important when it comes to enjoying a great smile. However, this can be quite challenging for those who struggle with certain disabilities, such as cerebral palsy. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean your loved one can’t make the most of a nice set of pearly whites in the long run. Read on to learn how cerebral palsy can negatively impact oral health care and ways to help overcome this issue.


Exploring Pain Perception in Root Canals

August 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — disabilitydent @ 2:45 pm
A model depicting a root canal treatment held in a dentist's hands

Root canal treatment is one of the scariest-sounding procedures out there. When movies and TV want to make a joke about dentists, they are often portrayed as sellers of pain who delight in the misery of their patients. They usually stand over someone with a comically large drill and declare, “It’s time for a root canal!”

Firstly, these notions about dentists enjoying pain are false. Your dentist will do everything in their power to ensure that any procedure that you undertake is free from pain. Secondly, the procedure for a root canal doesn’t have to be scary, it can be fascinating! Continue reading to see how a root canal is performed and what to expect after treatment.


Crucial Items for Your Loved One’s Dental Emergency Kit

June 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — disabilitydent @ 12:42 pm
An emergency dental kit

Accidents can happen to anyone, no matter their personal situation. That’s simply a plain fact of life. As such, your disabled loved one could face a dental emergency someday. You’d be wise to plan ahead for that possibility. Luckily, your Grand Prairie dentist has a suggestion: make an emergency dental kit for your friend or family member. This tool collection will protect your precious person’s smile. As for what to pack in it, here are four crucial items you ought to include.


Busting 4 Myths About Tooth Extractions

April 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — disabilitydent @ 11:57 pm
Tooth extraction illustration

Do you or a loved one have a tooth that is causing nothing but trouble? A tooth extraction is never the first option of your dentist, but sometimes it is necessary to preserve the health of the rest of your smile. With so many misconceptions out there, many patients find themselves anxious about their upcoming procedure. Fortunately, a tooth extraction isn’t such a scary thing after all. Here are some of the most common myths out there and why they aren’t true.


Down Syndrome’s Effects on Oral Health

February 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — disabilitydent @ 6:40 pm
portrait of someone with down syndrome

Down syndrome, like any other condition, affects people in a wide variety of ways. Oftentimes, the physical symptoms of Down syndrome aren’t talked about nearly enough, which means that people with the condition and their loved ones may not fully understand them.

In particular, Down syndrome can have some serious effects on these patients’ oral health. Here are some of the most common ways that Down syndrome patients’ teeth are affected by their condition.


How Mental Health Issues Impact Your Oral Health

September 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — disabilitydent @ 6:28 pm
patient speaking to dentist about mental health effects on smiles

Depression can affect many aspects of your life. Those suffering from depression may have a lot of trouble going to work, school, or social events. They may also struggle with adequately caring for themselves, and this extends to their smiles. Though the impacts of depression on your state of mind is a popular discussion topic, not many people know how it can harm your oral health. Continue reading to learn how mental health impacts your oral health and how you can better care for your smile while getting the help you need.


The Lesser-Known Benefits of Sedation Dentistry for Special Needs Patients

December 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — disabilitydent @ 2:15 pm
young girl with Down syndrome smiling

Many people experience a lot of anxiety when they go to the dentist, and this is especially true for those with special needs. On top of the fear of physical pain and being in an unfamiliar environment, many of these patients aren’t able to understand what’s going on, which can make life much more difficult for everyone. Thankfully, sedation dentistry offers a safe, proven way to reduce dental nerves, and it also has several other benefits that can make it much easier for a special needs patient to receive the care they deserve while enjoying a stress-free experience.


How Depression & Anxiety Can Impact Oral Health  

November 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — disabilitydent @ 2:47 pm
two young women with special needs smiling

Two of the most common mental health issues that affect both neurotypical and neurodivergent people are depression and anxiety. While it is generally understood that these conditions can lead to poor overall health outcomes, what isn’t talked about as much is how they can directly impact someone’s dental health. Whether you’re struggling with these conditions yourself or are taking care of someone who is, there is hope for a better future and brighter smiles—just keep reading to get the advice you need.
