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How Does Cerebral Palsy Impact Dental Treatment?

February 19, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — disabilitydent @ 4:52 pm
a woman with cerebral palsy smiling at home

Being able to maintain healthy teeth and gums every day is incredibly important when it comes to enjoying a great smile. However, this can be quite challenging for those who struggle with certain disabilities, such as cerebral palsy. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean your loved one can’t make the most of a nice set of pearly whites in the long run. Read on to learn how cerebral palsy can negatively impact oral health care and ways to help overcome this issue.

What is Cerebral Palsy?

This developmental disability generally involves a complex set of motor abnormalities and functional deficiencies that drastically impact a person’s muscle coordination. In many cases, an individual might struggle with problems like uncontrolled body movements, trouble with balance, sensory dysfunction, seizure disorders, and/or intellectual disability. Cerebral palsy can come in mild to severe forms, where some people only experience awkward or clumsy movements while others require a wheelchair and personal care for their entire life.

What Oral Health Risks Increase With Cerebral Palsy?

Although this disability doesn’t cause any specific oral abnormalities for a person, the inability to control one’s body movements can cause complications when it comes to dental treatment and oral hygiene. Here are some of the common oral health problems that can arise in those with cerebral palsy:

  • Periodontal disease: Since brushing and flossing can prove challenging or sometimes impossible with this condition, gum infections are more likely to form.
  • Malocclusion: Those with crooked teeth or a misaligned bite often have an increased risk of food and bacteria accumulating in hard-to-reach areas of the mouth, which can lead to decay.
  • Bruxism: Cerebral palsy can cause individuals to grind and clench their teeth due to uncontrolled movement, wearing their smiles down over time.
  • Physical trauma & injury: This disability can increase the risk of injuries and accidents, which can make them more susceptible to dental emergencies.

How to Overcome the Difficulties of Cerebral Palsy for Dental Care

If your loved one struggles to maintain a healthy smile due to cerebral palsy, you’ll want to seek the help of a dental professional who provides disability services. Not only can they offer comfortable treatments, but they can even give caregivers the proper guidance on how to care for the patient at home. These can involve simple monitoring instructions as well as particular techniques and products that can help them manage their loved one’s oral health for years to come.

About the Practice

At Disability Dental Services, our team can provide comprehensive and essential treatments for patients who have a wide range of conditions, including cerebral palsy. Our services are tailored to meet their unique dental needs and we prioritize their comfort while taking care of their oral health. If you wish to learn more about cerebral palsy and how to maintain your loved one’s smile, visit our website or reach out to us today at 972-296-0101.