For patients with physical or intellectual disabilities, receiving quality dental care that’s comfortable and accommodating to their needs can be difficult to find. Our team understands the unique barriers faced by our patients, which is why we have a full, in-house anesthesia team to offer several different types of sedation to make your loved one as comfortable as possible. Depending on the treatments they’re receiving and what would help them feel most at-ease, we offer oral conscious, and/or IV general anesthesia. Plus, each patient is safely monitored by a professional throughout their entire procedure with our sedation team and dentist for special needs in Grand Prairie, TX.
For oral conscious sedation, we monitor the patient's vital signs throughout treatment, and the patient is not "put under." However, the relaxing effects of oral conscious sedation often cause drowsiness, so some patients fall asleep of their own accord. The effects of oral conscious sedation will linger for the remainder of the day following a dental visit. After oral conscious sedation, patients may remember little or nothing about their appointment—only that it was most likely a pleasant visit!
Oral conscious sedation is a medium-ranged method of sedation dentistry that is quite popular for its effects. Similar to other versions of dental sedation, the medication will help patients experience a more comfortable and relaxing visit while undergoing treatment and without putting them to “sleep.” In some instances, it can be much safer than options like general anesthesia. Your loved one will remain just conscious enough to listen and respond to simple commands or instructions during their appointment, but they won’t even be aware of any sensations that could normally cause them to feel discomfort or anxiety.
Once our team has determined that your loved one is eligible for oral conscious sedation, we’ll then prescribe them with a single dose of medication that they’ll need to take before their scheduled appointment. Generally speaking, they’ll likely have to take the liquid or pill sometime before arriving at our office so that the effects can kick in right when it’s time to start the treatment. Most patients will feel like their limbs are heavy, or time has sped up, or like they’ve fallen asleep. Fortunately, a gentle nudge will be enough to wake them back up.
Rest assured our team will be there to constantly monitor our patient’s vitals throughout their visit. In the end, you can expect your loved one to have an incredibly pleasant experience while sitting in the dental chair for a long period, and their dentist will even be able to complete the treatment much quicker. After we’ve finished the procedure, we’ll provide you with aftercare instructions before being able to take your loved one home to get plenty of rest. The effects of the sedative should wear off after a few hours.
With oral conscious sedation, our team can help patients who struggle with a variety of issues, such as those who:
While beneficial for many, oral conscious sedation may not be beneficial to patients who have obstructive sleep apnea, struggle with nasal congestion, or have certain health problems. That’s why our team will evaluate your loved one’s situation and medical history to see if this form of sedation dentistry will be effective and safe for them.
General anesthesia uses both inhaled and IV-administered sedation to render a patient unconscious so they can have a completely comfortable procedure and not remember any aspect of it once the effects wear-off. Our in-house anesthesia team will be responsible for administering the sedation and monitor your loved one’s vitals to ensure their health as our team works quickly and effectively to restore the health of their smile. This form of anesthesia will make sure that patients don’t feel any sensation or are able to respond to outside stimuli during their treatment.